Sunday’s NAB Cup opener against West Coast holds the potential for a number of players to make their debut for Fremantle and Mark Johnson is approaching the match with as much anticipation as any of the club’s other 2007 NAB AFL Draftees.

On the back of what he describes as one of the best pre-seasons he has had in his nine year career, this Sunday can’t come soon enough for the 194 AFL game utility.

“I’m happy and relieved the pre-season is over and I’m looking forward to a game really,” Mark said today.

“I’m happy to put the Fremantle jumper on for the first time. It’s something that will mean a lot to me from where I’ve come from and where I’m going.”

Eleven weeks since making the move across from Victoria Mark’s influence around the club on and off the field has been one felt from the top down. It has been this presence that has not only affected those around him but also, if not more so, himself, saying his move to Fremantle has “unbelievably” breathed new life into him as a footballer.

“I can’t believe the change, the hunger,” he said.

“Everything that I pride myself on, which dwindled a little bit, is definitely back and I’m feeling just as good as I ever have. I always pride myself on having really good pre seasons and being as fit as I can and I have had one of, if not the best pre season I have ever had.

“I’m feeling as fit as I ever have and I’m running easier than I ever have before. That’s a strength of Freo that has helped me in my own game.”

While his own game has been assisted since his selection by Fremantle at pick 56 in the 2007 NAB AFL Draft, Mark has also put it on himself to pass on as much advice and assistance to the latest batch of recruits in a bid to mentor them through their first season in the AFL.

He hadn’t even arrived in Perth before he started his mentoring. Flying across to join his new team mates in late November of last year, Mark sat next to fellow recruit Clayton Hinkley on the flight from Melbourne and happily gave the 19 year old an insight into what to expect in Season 2008 and beyond.

“I think (Senior Coach Mark Harvey) drafted me because he knew what I can offer this club and (part of) that is a mentoring role with younger blokes,” Mark said.

“I train hard, I’ve got a good work ethic and that is something that is instilled in me and I want to try to throw it into this club as well.”

It is this work ethic that has inspired those around him and is what he hopes will hold Fremantle in good stead this season. With a strong pre season and further depth added to the playing squad over the summer, Mark said there was massive incentive for the team to work hard throughout the season as no player was guaranteed for selection.

“That’s the best thing about this year and how fit we certainly are,” Mark said.

“I’ve been amazed about the quality of players we have here and the fitness of the blokes.

“No one is certain of a position and that’s the best thing about it. You’ve got these young blokes who are pushing up to challenge the older blokes and that brings about a good year.”