The Fremantle Dockers have welcomed a decision by the WA Football Commission to allow Jason Carter to transfer to their WAFL partner club Peel from Claremont under the AFL’s Next Generation Academy program.
The WAFC informed the club that while the 18-year-old, who played two colts games for Claremont in 2017, is eligible to play for Peel through until 25 September this year, he automatically transfers back to Claremont on that date.
Originally from Wyndham, 3200km north of Perth, Carter, who is now living in the city after completing Year 12 as a boarder at Aquinas College last year, joined Fremantle’s Next Generation Academy in 2016 from the club’s NGA-zoned Kimberley region.
“The permit to play for Peel Thunder has been issued in accordance with WAFL rules and regulations and the AFL’s national NGA eligibility criteria in the best interests of Jason’s ongoing development and welfare,” The WAFC said in a statement on its website.
“This will allow him to fully participate in the NGA program with Fremantle and WAFL partner club Peel Thunder, which includes relocation arrangements to live with a Fremantle Football Club host family in Perth and assistance from the club’s player welfare staff to commence an employment traineeship.
“The West Australian Football Commission will continue to monitor the NGA program during its inaugural year of implementation in 2018 and will assess all permit requests on a case-by-case basis with careful consideration given to balancing the best interests of the player and the WAFL competition.
“The WAFC will review NGA rules in partnership with the AFL to carefully consider how they relate to the WAFL competition moving forward and the WAFL’s unique rules and regulations surrounding partner clubs.”
In relation to WAFL League finals qualification, the WAFC determined that Carter would be required to play a minimum of five WAFL League games including three league matches after June 30 and will fall under the 12 AFL-listed player cap for finals while on permit at Peel.
In addition, special approval must also be granted by the WAFC for Carter to participate in WAFL League finals even if he meets all eligibility criteria.
Fremantle general manager of football operations Chris Bond the decision allowed Carter greater access to the support and services provided by Fremantle’s Next Generation Academy.
“Fremantle’s Next Generation Academy has been working with Jason since 2016,” Bond said.
“This decision will allow Fremantle, through our close relationship with our partner club Peel Thunder, to continually assist Jason’s football progression and development.
“By training and playing with Peel, Jason will continue his work with NGA coach Tendai Mzungu to give him the best opportunity to fulfil his potential.”