Max Duffy
Max played forward and kicked three goals and had 20 possessions while taking nine marks. His ball use was a positive and he was strong at getting the ball inside at attacking mid and forward 50.

Jack Hannath
Jack played ruck and forward. He had a strong opening quarter impact when forward. He marked strongly and took two goals.

Craig Moller
Craig played forward for the majority of the game, with short stints on the ball over the first three quarters. Provided a target on most occasions and was positive with his forward involvement, kicking one goal and handing off four other opportunities that resulted in three goals.

Jonathan Griffin
Jon played ruck and as a key forward. Was aggressive with bodywork in contests and covered opponents defensively both forward and in the ruck. 

Josh Deluca
Josh played high forward opposed to Matthew Davies and Anton Hamp. His his tackle pressure and chase was effective.