The new Perth Stadium reached a major milestone today with the work to prepare the site for construction of the $700 million stadium and the surrounding sports precinct getting underway.

Kepler Bradley joined Premier Colin Barnett and Sport and Recreation Minister Terry Waldron at Burswood Park this morning to mark the start of pre-construction work.

The works involve extensive ground improvement that will be carried out over the next 18 months by West Australian-based consortium Ertech Keller Joint Venture.

Mr Barnett said the day was a momentous one for WA.

“This is an exciting milestone in the State’s sporting history,” he said.

“Today is a significant day in the history of Western Australian sport and, for decades to come, our sporting history will be made on this very site.

“The stadium will be the best stadium in Australia.”

Mr Barnett said the work was a key step in the construction of a 60,000 seat, world-class stadium and sports precinct in time for the start of the 2018 AFL season.

“The pre-construction site works will treat the underlying ground conditions for the stadium, bus hub and pedestrian area for the new train station,” he said.

“Over the coming weeks, the site will be prepared with site offices installed, fencing erected and machinery mobilised so the work can get under way to compact the ground.”

Fremantle Chief Executive Officer, Steve Rosich echoed Mr Barnett’s words.

“The planning for this project has been first class,” he said.

“It’s good timing in that, what is an important milestone for the stadium comes at a time when we approach record membership as a football club.

“So, we are looking forward to the project getting underway.”