David Mundy had his hands full, Mitch Crowden kicked a goal from nowhere and Evie Gooch continued the hard work at home this week.

Let's kick things off at the top of the state!

After four weeks of iso in a two-bedroom apartment, I'm just a little bit envious of Issy Butter's view on his runs in Halls Creek.

Here's Liam Henry just chillin' at The Marsh in Derby (note to self: do more crunches)

I suppose a rig like that doesn't happen by sitting still (another note to self: less choccy next Easter)

Speaking of choccy...Ange Stannett hit the jackpot! And this wasn't even for Easter (Happy birthday for Wednesday, Ange!)

Ange is allowed anyway, since she seemingly exists only wearing a weighted vest these days.

Ange isn't the only one in #vestclub. Not sure if Evie Gooch ever actually has a rest day?

 Speaking of literal machines...here's Kiara Bowers missing her mates.

And one of the best rigs at Freo (Darcy Tucker) showed us how he gets a workout in from home.

Meanwhile at the Antonios, here's Kara doing infinite shoulder press reps. I've had the (dis)pleasure of having Juddy put me through a workout or two and can attests that, like this gif, she doesn't stop.

Ok, it's time to get tricky! Mitch Crowden seems to be a regular in this segment with this ripper from the (metaphorical) stands).

Kudos to Mitch for not claiming #firsttry.

...although we're sure Alex Williams nailed this first time!

And it doesn't matter how long Bailey Banfield and his mate took to get this one, it's pretty darn impressive.

Here's a different kind of impressive from Sarah Garstone and Matilda Sergeant.

Housemates Sam Switkowski and Jarvis Pina won the internet this week! Who said footy players and TikTok don't mix?

Jason Carter took to Tiktok to reveal a dazzling new hair-do. No regrets, I'm sure!

I know what you're thinking. This is mildly interesting and all, but where the dogs at?

We can confirm Lachie Schultz's dog Banks is still cute.

Nala wins the award for most affectionate, with Jas Stewart the lucky target.

It's always useful to have someone spot you in the gym, and it looks like Lloyd Meek is happy to have the support from Jock.

Tayla Bresland's new pup Wally is keeping it cool at home.

David Mundy can do plenty...including literally minding two dogs and two kids with his eyes closed.

Young pooch Jax isn't taking any cheek...and I don't blame him having to put up with Luke Ryan and Brennan Cox 24/7!

And finally, we regret to inform you that there has been a lack of Reece Conca and Albus content lately :(

Maybe this is why?

The question is, is Concs jealous of Annabelle or Albus?