Just recently, Aubin Grove Primary School became the proud recipients of a brand new set of footy jumpers for their school football team courtesy of a donation by the Fremantle Dockers.

Aubin Grove is a brand new school situated in the heart of Freo territory and boasts a school uniform that proudly shares similar purple and white colours of the Fremantle Football Club. Aubin Grove opened in February this year and was seeking to make a bold impression in their first interschool football carnival wearing the new Freo Dockers home strip. They certainly did that thanks to the donation of twenty jumpers by Freo.

Freo star Chris Mayne visited the school to make the surprise presentation at a packed assembly in front of several hundred eager students and grateful parents and staff members. He spoke to the students who had been chosen for the football team about the jumper, the privilege they had earned by being selected to wear it and encouraged younger members of the school to aspire to work hard to make the team when they were old enough.

Amidst lots of laughter and excitement, Chris handed the jumpers to players and spent time answering questions and posing for photos with many students and their families. Aubin Grove PS Principal, Frank Pansini said that he was thrilled to receive the jumpers from the Fremantle Dockers and looked forward to seeing his students wear the purple jumper with distinction in the interschool sporting arena.

He also looked forward to a long and positive relationship with the Fremantle Football Club as Aubin Grove becomes a Freo Dockers Partner School.