Brendan Elsegood tells us what he thinks makes him a Docker Diehard:

At the beginning of this season, I could not afford to renew my membership for 2011, but somehow I manage to fork out the money, even if it's just $20 for the budget tickets to attend as many games as possible.

My bedroom is painted purple and I own Freo Dockers’ bed linen. I own three Freo Dockers' jumpers, from three different generations.

I also own a scarf, two beanies, two hats, pyjama top and pants, socks, posters and a banner.

The home page on my computer is and my wallpaper is the 2011 fixtures.

I have watched just about every video on Docker TV and always enjoy watching 'Kicking Goals' and highlights from each game.

Although I do not currently have any Freo Docker ink, I plan to get the new logo tattooed on my arm when I can afford it.

Good work Brendan, this month’s DOCKER DIEHARD

Throughout the season we are featuring “Docker Diehards” on

If you think that, like Brendan, you’ve got what it takes, simply email your name and phone number to

Be sure to include a photo or a video showing us how purple you are and tell us, in 200 words or less, what makes you a Docker Diehard.