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There is some questionable – and impressive – facial hair around the club this month with a number of the Fremantle playing group getting involved in Movember in support of men’s health.
Nine Fremantle players are growing out their moustaches as they raise funds and awareness for men’s mental health, suicide prevention, testicular cancer and prostate cancer.
Alex Pearce currently leads the fundraising efforts on the team’s Movember page, with Connor Blakely, Travis Colyer, Reece Conca, Griffin Logue, Andrew Brayshaw, Jason Carter, Taylin Duman and Brennan Cox all involved.
Pearce said he was pleased to see players throughout the AFL taking part in the cause.
“There’s been a few players from different clubs that have jumped on board the cause this year,” Pearce said.
“It’s a very worthy cause, it’s really important and is close to AFL footballers. It covers men’s health, in particular, mental health, prostate and testicular cancer.
“It’s a great way to raise awareness and raise funds. A fun part of that is growing the Mo.
“Griffin Logue is pretty happy with his. I don’t mind Tay Duman’s, he’s gone a bit different with the goatee happening.
“I’m also pretty happy with mine at the moment as well. Travis Colyer is going alright but it’s a bit light, his Mo, it doesn’t stand out too well. He might need to tint it up a little bit!”
To acknowledge the boys’ efforts, we are currently holding a Movember Bracket Challenge of the club’s Instagram page, where fans can vote for their favourite Freo Mo.
But more importantly, you can donate to the cause here!