Fremantle’s leadership group for season 2024 was announced a few weeks ago with exciting new inclusions, utility Ash Brazill and All Australian defender Emma O’Driscoll.

Speaking to media during the 2024 AFLW Team Photo Day, O’Driscoll said she feels humbled and honoured to be voted in by her teammates for the first time.

“It means so much to me. I feel so proud of myself, but also in awe that it's actually occurred,” O’Driscoll said.

“I'm very honoured to be in the position I'm in and I think even more honoured that my peers have voted and backed me in to keep bringing what I'm bringing, and be my authentic self, which I'm always going to be unapologetically me and I love that.”


The 23-year-old touched on her eagerness to continue her leadership development, and to learn off other experienced leaders in the team.

“I'm also still learning as well and I think being able to have those vulnerable conversations to say that I'm still learning and I'm still growing and there's areas that I need to improve on,” O’Driscoll said.

“I would say I'm surrounded by some of the best leaders in the competition.

“We've got girls ranging from 34 all the way through to 18, and I think it's so great to see a group of leaders empower others to be leaders as well because the more girls that we can empower to be leaders, the more successful we're going to be.

“I think transparency makes good leaders what they are, and that's what I've seen from the likes of Ange Stannett, Hayley Miller, Laura Pugh, Aine Tighe, Ash Braz who are all in the leadership group with me.

“So, I think being able to model what they do in my own way is really important.”

The 23-year-old spoke about her football journey from a 19-year-old to now, and touched on her key learnings.

“For me (some key takeaways) would just be maturing as a player and a person as well,” O’Driscoll said.

“Coming in as a 19-year-old not actually knowing the game very well was tough, and I think it's something that takes time to develop.

“For me, having more knowledge of the game enables me to not only play my role ‘hopefully’ consistently, but I can pass on that knowledge as well because I'm comfortable doing what I do now.

“I think that's the main point of difference is that I've learnt the game, I've developed my own game.”


Taking with her All-Australian honours from last season, O’Driscoll said it is merely a bonus of playing her role for the team.

“You don't play for the individual accolades; you play for the team success, and I'm just really excited to keep building on what Lisa's trying to implement here at Freo,” O’Driscoll said.

“I love my girls; I love my sisters. We go out there each and every week and have each other's backs."

- Emma O'Driscoll

“I think if I just can keep doing that and going in with an individual purpose each game but knowing that ultimately it's to try and achieve a premiership as well so just bringing it back to that is always what you want to do.”