As the Fremantle Dockers embark on their first finals series since 2015, the club’s charitable Purple Hands Foundation is celebrating some incredible wins in the community, most notably some recent feedback received from the parents of Starkick All Abilities Footballers who took part in this year’s MAKE OUR MARK charity game day.
Below are some of the testimonials Purple Hands received and remind us why we do what we do… to have a genuine impact on people’s lives.
Happy reading – and go Starkickers!!
THANK YOU so much for this fantastic opportunity for our kids! The experience was certainly something our children will remember and have talked about incessantly to anyone that will listen to them since the Purple Hands round. Allowing our children to have the same opportunity as other kids who do Auskick is not only important for us as parents, but for the kids, it helps them to feel special and shows them that they can do the same things as other kids. Inclusion for our kids isn't easy and the Purple Hands round is a great way to break the stigma around disability and bring a more positive profile and engagement with our kids.
My son has had to watch from the sidelines whilst his friends were able to play at half-time for years. With thanks to the Purple Hands Foundation he finally ‘got his turn’. He has shared his achievement with his family, school, day-care and peers and is now switched to an absolute Dockers fan. As a parent it is incredibly hard to watch him struggle, but this opportunity is one that filled our hearts and won’t be forgotten.
We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity for our Starkick players to play on Optus Stadium. Many families were celebrating the fact that not only do their children now have the opportunity to play football, but they also played in front of over 47,000 people! The excitement and the energy that the experience bought to all involved is still evident.
- Narelle Thredgold, President at Mt Helena JFC – Starkick
Jasmine and Adam loved the experience. Adam is non-verbal but had a smile on his face the whole time during the mini game. Jasmine said, “I can’t believe I got to play where the famous footy players on TV play!” Thank you so much! We actually had a family day that we all loved it!
The experience this provided my son was beyond describable in words. We don't go out a lot as a family as the logistics can be difficult. The looks on all the kids faces that day, not just my own, and the smiles and the laughs they had are special memories that every family will take away with them for their children. We were very grateful for this opportunity.
So many happy faces in the crowd watching our Starkick Heroes. The high 5’s, waves and cheers opened many eyes and hearts to the Starkick Program. A great way to promote and showcase Starkick. So many kids with a disability now have opportunities like these provided thanks to groups like the Purple Hands Foundation. Well done and thank you Fremantle FC for jumping on board.
- Mark Clayton, Coach at Quinns Districts JFC – Starkick
Having the opportunity to have every grid of the Purple Hands Foundation round filled by children with a disability was not only an Australian first, the most important thing was the impact it had on these families. Families travelled from all over including Manjimup just to be a part of this amazing opportunity. Many had never been to a game of footy before but to have their child, centre stage at Optus Stadium was amazing and has created memories for a lifetime. Thanks too must go to the WAFC team that helped facilitate this opportunity. Hopefully the first of many more to come and this can be locked into the calendar as WA leads the way!
- Rob Geersen - WAFC Starkick Coordinator
Starkick is a program of the West Australian Football Commission and runs at several junior community clubs in both metropolitan and regional WA. To find out more head to -