Freo’s Victorian Cheer Squad/Banner Crew recently held their annual letter-cutting day to prepare for the club’s 2015 matches in Melbourne and Geelong.
The event took place on Saturday 28 February at Mazenod College, Mulgrave (Melbourne), as nearly 2000 letters from A to Z were cut out ready to be placed on Freo’s banners this season.
Nothing beats the expectation of a new season like sharing hopes and dreams over glossy sheets of white paper, snappy scissors and Kim’s amazing chocolate muffins.
A big thank you to Beverley Anne, Dennis, Di (1) and Di (2), Hayley, Kim, Liz, Dave (with our youngest member Evelyn), Leanne, Eden, Megan, David and of course Father Michael for their efforts.

A special mention to Father Michael for allowing the team to use the great facilities at Mazenod to help make the day a great success.