Ryan Crowley's challenge on the pinching charge handed down to him by the AFL’s Match Review Panel has been unsuccessful.

Crowley was offered a $900 fine for the alleged incident on Kangaroos veteran Brent Harvey during the first quarter of Fremantle's 38-point win on Sunday.

He will be fined $1200.

Transcript from afl.com.au writer Nathan Schmook posted below:

"Chairman David Jones apologises for keeping everyone in Perth waiting..."

"Harvey is in the room in Melbourne to give evidence."

"Video link up and running for Ryan Crowley."

"The case will be that during the first quarter there was repeated pinching from Crowley. Could have been more afterwards, but the case is limited to the first quarter."

"Crowley represented by Seamus Rafferty. He says he can't recall a case where a series of incidents forms the basis of a single report."

"Intentional pinching for the purposes of the rules constitutes misconduct, so the charge against Crowley is one of misconduct. Still nutting out the details of the charge."

"MRP could have sent this case straight to the Tribunal as conduct prejudicial to the game if it felt strongly enough. Decided not to, instead fining Crowley $1200 for misconduct."

"Investigator in this case had conversations with both Crowley and Harvey. AFL counsel will be calling Harvey for evidence."

"Andrew Tinney SC will talk through incidents throughout the match with Harvey as part of his case. This will be used for relevance and context."

"Tinney will go through footage with Harvey which shows him lifting his jumper to the umpire."

"Rafferty interjecting and asking to see Harvey on his screen."

"Harvey says his opponent throughout the entire match was Crowley."

"They didn't get along. there was a bit happening between them."

"The pinching started in the first quarter, can't specify when exactly."

"He asked the umpire at quarter time to put an end to the pinching."

"Harvey - "He pinched me enough to make me tell the umpire""

"Harvey uncomfortable talking about how often he was pinched. Says it continued."

"Says he probably did complain to the umpires again."

"Harvey was interviewed by the AFL investigator yesterday by telephone."

"Rafferty now going through the Q&A Harvey had with the investigators."

"Rafferty now questioning Harvey. Wants his best estimate of how many times he was pinched in the first quarter. Harvey says maybe 10."

"Harvey told investigator yesterday that he lost count of how many times he was pinched in the first quarter and he didn't say that lightly."

"Harvey being grilled on how truthful he was with the AFL investigator."

"Harvey tells Rafferty "you've got to remember who was playing on who"."

"It is proposed that both players were being monitored very closely by the umpires in the first quarter. Harvey disagrees. "I'm not an umpire"."

"There is no video footage of Crowley pinching."

"North medical report says there was no injury sustained. "It was a pinch on a broken rib", says Harvey."

"We're now getting into the specifics of a pinch. "Was it a thumb and finger squeezing the flesh?" "He pinched me, that's all i know"."

"It is suggested by Rafferty it could have just been a grab."

"Rough exchange between Harvey and Rafferty."

"Drilling into the last incident of the first quarter. Harvey was in the NM forward line, ball was in the Freo forward line."

"Crowley was standing behind Harvey and pinched him on the ribs, reaching around with his right hand on the right side."

""It happened all day all over the ground", says Harvey."

""It happened about 300 times", Harvey says in frustration."

"No more questions for Harvey."

"Investigator spoke to Crowley yesterday afternoon."

"Harvey told Crowley at the end of the match that he wasn't happy with what had happened throughout the game."

"Crowley now to answer questions."

"Crowley says the umpires spoke to both players constantly through the game. They were regularly monitored."

"Crowley says he didn't pinch Harvey at any stage of the game."

"And that's Rafferty's evidence."

"Tinney now questioning Crowley."

"Crowley set out to play a negating role against Harvey. First role was to defend and attack where he could. He went everywhere with Harvey."

"He says he got as good as he copped."

"" did not pinch him at any stage"."

"Says he didn't hear Harvey complain about pinching."

"Crowley was himself complaining to the umpires about blocking tactics being used. "I wasn't really listening to Brent"."

""I didn't really care what Brent had to say to be honest"."

"Tinney has finished questioning Crowley."

"It is put to Crowley that he is not telling the truth. "I dispute that", Crowley says."

"Pinching is "never" a tactic Crowley uses and he has never been accused of it previously, he says."

"Harvey is now leaving."

"Tinney now summarising to the jury."

"Tinney suggests Harvey's evidence had a ring of truth, and "there is not the same ring of truth" to Crowley's."

"Rafferty now summarising. Says credibility key issue."

"Two diametrically opposed versions of what happened. Focus is on evidence of Harvey."

"Rafferty says Harvey's answers were evasive."

"No footage of any incident involving Crowley and Harvey, yet Harvey said it happened over 300 times, even if that was a throwaway line."

"A lot of emphasis from the prosecution on the evidence showing Harvey his ribs at 1/4 time."

"Rafferty says that is meaningless. There's nothing else to support what Harvey said happened."

"Rafferty says jury should take into account Harvey's lack of detail in evidence. He had difficulty recollecting things."

"There is no medical evidence or photographs that support the claims."

"That, with the lack of video evidence, is a significant matter to be taken into account, Rafferty says."

"There is a difference between a grab and a pinch, Rafferty says. Crowley is adamant he did not pinch and says he was under constant scrutiny."

"If the jury is unsure when looking at evidence, that is not a case to find Crowley guilty on the balance of probability, Rafferty says."

"Chairman David Jones now summarising for the jury."

""The case is based on Brent Harvey's evidence and you need to consider that evidence very carefully"."

""With the case being dependent on his evidence, his credibility is critical in this matter"."

"Jones says the jury must take into account the lack of video footage and medical evidence, such as photographs. "It's up to you what weight you apply"."

"Tinney says Crowley's evidence and credibility also needs to be considered."

"Jones, however, says case turns on Harvey's evidence."

"Jury deliberating."

"Jury going six minutes. Journos in the room wondering what their lives have come to, reporting on pinching at 8pm EST on a Tuesday night."

"Jury going 10 minutes now..."

"And we're back, stand by"

"Crowley guilty"

"Fine stays at $1200"