Intra Year 4/5/6 Boys & Girls

Freo Fast Ball, Freo Kwik Kick and Freo Long Bomb are curriculum-based football activities that give students another platform to develop their skills.

By registering, teachers are provided with educational and promotional resources to assist in their implementation of these competitions.

  • Freo Fast Ball is a team handballing competition
  • Freo Kwik Kick involves students kicking in pairs over a short distance for three minutes
  • Freo Long Bomb involves students kicking a football as far as they can


  • 6 x synthetic footballs per school
  • Skills guide & lesson plan booklet for teachers
  • Fremantle Football Club team posters
  • Chance to win a Freo Footy Skills clinic for your school with Fremantle players

Schools are encouraged to nominate their students to compete in the state semi-final.

If you require further information or would like to register for the above program please visit or contact your WA Football Participation Officer.