The Fremantle Dockers welcome schools and community organisations to visit the Club’s elite training and admin facilities for a club facility tour.

Facility Tours offers groups the chance to get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at where the Fremantle Dockers train and prepare for game day!  
There are no costs involved to participate in a facility tour, however, please note that the club cannot host tours when:

  • Players are on-site and using the club facilities.
  • Maintenance/contractors are undertaking works on the facility.

Tours will be led by a Fremantle Dockers Community staff member or an AFL Women’s player (subject to player availability) and typically last around 45 minutes. Group sizes must range from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 30 participants.

The Club reserves the right to cancel the tour at any time and will notify participants of any cancellations ahead of time.

For any queries or if you would like to book in a facility, please contact Fans and Community Program Officer